3G Apple iPod nanoApple launched its third generation of the iPod nano. the new model features a larger, 2-inch screen with a 320x240 resolution that supports video playback as well as the high-quality games that first shipped with the fifth-generation iPod; Sudoku, Vortex, and one other game are included out of the box, according to Apple. The design completely eliminates the use of plastic end caps while becoming even thinner than before at 0.25 inches.
Significantly, the new model is also one of the first homes of Apple's new, click wheel-driven iPod interface. The higher 204 dots/inch resolution ( the most ever for an Apple-made device ) includes a new split-screen interface that shows album art and other content on one side while scrolling through menus on another. Cover Flow is now a part of the design and lets users brows music and videos by album covers or video previews, viewing track details after selecting the album.
Apple promises 24 hours of continuous music and 5 hours of video on the new models, which ship in black, cranberry, light blue, light green, silver, and silver colors alongside a new Product (RED) model. Models should be available in 4GB for $149 and 8GB for $249.
Significantly, the new model is also one of the first homes of Apple's new, click wheel-driven iPod interface. The higher 204 dots/inch resolution ( the most ever for an Apple-made device ) includes a new split-screen interface that shows album art and other content on one side while scrolling through menus on another. Cover Flow is now a part of the design and lets users brows music and videos by album covers or video previews, viewing track details after selecting the album.
Apple promises 24 hours of continuous music and 5 hours of video on the new models, which ship in black, cranberry, light blue, light green, silver, and silver colors alongside a new Product (RED) model. Models should be available in 4GB for $149 and 8GB for $249.
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